Power And Poise

Power And Poise

Power And Poise

Power And Poise

Power And Poise

Red Crown

Red Crown

Red Crown

Red Crown

Red Crown

Fan and feathers

Fan and feathers

Fan and feathers

Fan and feathers

Fan and feathers

Leeds Granary Wharf Area

Leeds Granary Wharf Area

Leeds Granary Wharf Area

Leeds Granary Wharf Area

Leeds Granary Wharf Area

Book end building

Book end building

Book end building

Book end building

Book end building






From Another Time

From Another Time

From Another Time

From Another Time

From Another Time

Last letter

Last letter

Last letter

Last letter

Last letter was made in honour of all the fallen soldiers and those that were left behind, their futures altered forever. This image received a Bronze medal from the prestigious Toronto International Salon in 2024

Mending the world

Mending the world

Mending the world

Mending the world

Mending the World is a conceptual image with a profound message. It reflects on the responsibility our children will inherit to repair our broken world. However, it carries a hopeful reminder—if we provide the right guidance, they have the potential to succeed.